Friday, February 1, 2013

Convert Your VHS Tapes

I just finished a massive project.

The scope of the project wasn't that big, but the weight of it on my shoulders was heavier than I believed.

Our early family videos were on VHS tape, in a grocery bag, on the top shelf of our pantry. We don't have our player hooked up any longer, so I stored them out of reach for safe keeping. ONE DAY I would get around to converting them to DVD. That was 7 years ago.

This project was combined with all of the pics on my phone or harddrive that I hadn't uploaded to Picasa. I knew I needed to so that they wouldn't get lost, but I had more important things to attend to.

Both of these project by themselves (and most definitely taken together) are a prime example of managing your company.  Let things go long enough, and they build a weight on your mind that is disproportionate to the reality of the task - and this causes stress and degrades your performance. Make time for maintenance.

  1. Update your CRM often
  2. Write thank you notes promptly
  3. Blog on a schedule
In short, organize and make it a habit.

I know this isn't news to anyone, but it was so "in my face" this week as I spent hours converting my precious life memories that I wanted to share. 

1 comment:

Oceana said...

Love this article! I've been working on this as well. What I discovered recently was that the priorities are the time sensitive items. It's a no brainer to most, I imagine, but for me it was a huge realization.
Now when I organize my schedule, I will be choosing the top three time sensitive items and then filling in the gaps with scheduled maintenance items. This technique alone has lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders.