Friday, October 1, 2010

Successful Staffing

There is a lot that I can say about staffing a startup technology company. I'm finding it difficult to narrow it down to the short few paragraphs that I'll present here in this blog post. Let me put it this way: technical ability is not the only factor that goes into the equation.

I am energized in a startup environment. The intense atmosphere charges me up - every second of everyday is filled with excitement. My team and I are required to put forth 100%. We think on our feet, design for anticipated feedback, create and recreate processes that enhance our efficiency and so much more. This workday can be exhilarating to the right person just as it can be pain to others. To create a vibrant team that is capable of meeting the significant challenges that face a startup tech company I always look further than technical skills.

Someone with an Axe to Grind or Something to Prove or who is just plain HUNGRY is a good place to start. I like to find candidates who are excited that they will get to take on so much more responsibility at a startup than they would be allowed at a larger company. So a person who feels that they can do things better and wants a chance to prove it may be ideal.

Now I am sure you can imagine that this may be creating a powder keg. Think about it, a room (usually a cheap one) filled with highly skilled techies that are striving to do great things. Well, defusing any potential explosions and channeling that energy into a positive direction that drives product creation is your job. Thats where your teambuilding skills come in. But you need the talent first - the right talent.



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